


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;

public class VNC extends JFrame implements ActionListener
 private JPanel topPanel=new JPanel();;
 private JMenuBar menuBar;
 private int frameSizeX;
 private int frameSizeY;
 private String filePath;
 private JMenu tmpMenu;
 private JMenu tmpSubMenu;
 private JMenuItem tmpMenuItem;
 private JMenu otherMenu;
 private JMenuItem aboutMenuItem;
 private JLabel tmpJLabel;
 private JTextField tmpJText;
 private JTextField jt1;
 private JTextField jt2;
 private JTextField jt3;
 private JTextField jt4;
 private JTextField jt5;
 private JTextField jt6;
 private String version;
 private String loadingDate[];
 private String frameTitle;
 private byte[] tmpByte;
 private char[] tmpChar;
 private Font tmpFont=new Font("新細明體",Font.PLAIN,12);
 SortedSet<String> menuSet=new TreeSet<String>();
 SortedSet<String> subMenuSet=new TreeSet<String>();
 SortedSet<String> menuItemSet=new TreeSet<String>();
 FileReader fr=null;
 BufferedReader bf=null;
 Properties pro = new Properties();

 public VNC()
   showDiolog("找不到 config.ini 系統檔");
    showDiolog("找不到 config.ini 內filePath 的執行檔");
  topPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
  //topPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
  //set JLabel condition
  //(JFrame jp,String tmpName,int tmpSizeX,int tmpSizeY,int tmpLocationX,int tmpLocationY,Color tmpColor)
  //set JText condition
  //(JFrame jp,String tmpName,int tmpSizeX,int tmpSizeY,int tmpLocationX,int tmpLocationY,Color tmpColor)
  //join JFrame
  //Create the menu bar
  menuBar = new JMenuBar();
  //Set this instance as the application's menu bar
  catch(IOException e)
  //Create other menu
  //set the location on the windosw
 public static void main (String[] args)
  long AverageTime =0; // 計算平均處理時間使用
  long StartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 取出目前時間

  VNC ex=new VNC();
  long ProcessTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - StartTime; // 計算處理時間
  AverageTime += ProcessTime; // 累積計算時間
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    pro.load(new FileInputStream("config.ini"));
   catch(IOException io)
   showDiolog("Version:  "+version+"\n\nBy Danny");
 ////Start to create Menu
 public JMenu CreateMenu(JMenuBar jb,String menuText,int acceleratorKey)
  JMenu menu;
  //Create Menu
  menu=new JMenu(menuText);
  //Create this Menu's name
  //Create this Menu's quickly button
  return menu;
 //End Menu
 ////Start to create SubMenu
 public JMenu CreateSubMenu(JMenu jm,String menuText,int acceleratorKey)
  JMenu menu=null;
  //Create SubMenu
  menu=new JMenu(menuText);
  //Create this SubMenu's name
  //Create this Menu's quickly button
  return menu;
 //End SubMenu
 //Start to create MenuItem
 public JMenuItem CreateMenuItem(JMenu jm,String sText,String sToolTip)
  JMenuItem menuItem=null;
  //Create MenuItem
  menuItem=new JMenuItem(sText);
  //Create this MenuItem's name
  //Join MenuItem into the ActionListen
  return menuItem;
 //End MenuItem
 //Start Diolog
 public void showDiolog(String message)
 //End Diolog
 public void Connections(String addressName)
   pro.load(new FileInputStream("ip.ini"));
  catch(IOException io)
  String getIP=pro.getProperty(addressName);
   String CheckgetIP[]=getIP.split("[.]+");
     Runtime.getRuntime().exec(filePath+" "+getIP);
     //System.out.println(filePath+" "+getIP);
    catch(IOException e)
 public boolean checkFileExist(String path)
  File f=new File(path);
  return f.exists();
 public String loadFromINI(String iniFileName,String settingName)
  String loadFile;
   pro.load(new FileInputStream(iniFileName));
  catch(Exception e)
  return loadFile;
 public void createJLabel(JFrame jp,String tmpName,int tmpSizeX,int tmpSizeY,int tmpLocationX,int tmpLocationY,Color tmpColor)
  tmpJLabel=new JLabel(tmpName);
 public JTextField createJText(JFrame jp,String tmpName,int tmpSizeX,int tmpSizeY,int tmpLocationX,int tmpLocationY,Color tmpColor)
  tmpJText=new JTextField(tmpName);
  return tmpJText;
 public void readFiles(String fileName) throws IOException
  String tmp=null;
  String menuTmp1=null;
  String menuTmp2=null;
  int tmp1=0; //快速鍵暫存
  char acceleratorTmp[];
   fr=new FileReader(fileName);
   bf=new BufferedReader(fr);
    //寫入條件:1.第二層有設定 2.Menuitem有設定 3.Menuitem 沒重覆
    else if(menuItemSet.contains(loadingDate[5])==false)
    *%:#(要有這個符號才會讀取) -Array0
    *:(第一層Menu的名稱) -Array1
    *:(第一層Menu快捷鍵,沒有的話輸入小寫null) -Array2
    *:(有第二層Menu才要加入,沒有的話輸入小寫null) -Array3
    *:(第二層快捷鍵,沒有的話輸入小寫null) -Array4
    *:(MenuItem的名稱,有第二層會加在第二層下) -Array5
    *:(MenuItem的提示,沒有的話輸入Null) -Array6
  catch(IOException e)
   showDiolog("FrameConfig.ini 載入錯誤");

    創作者 蛋酒 的頭像

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